The LIFE 2.0 Podcast with Matt Jones

Transform your life with the amazing benefits of walking

June 07, 2023 Matt Jones Season 3 Episode 4
Transform your life with the amazing benefits of walking
The LIFE 2.0 Podcast with Matt Jones
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The LIFE 2.0 Podcast with Matt Jones
Transform your life with the amazing benefits of walking
Jun 07, 2023 Season 3 Episode 4
Matt Jones

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In this episode, I explore the benefits of walking. Walking for health goes beyond the physical benefits, but the mental benefits as well. If you are looking for a body transformation and want to improve your mood and happiness, productivity, you can start doing this today. So, put on your walking shoes, join me on this health journey, and discover the power of walking for weight loss and more. 

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The LIFE 2.0 Podcast with Matt Jones
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In this episode, I explore the benefits of walking. Walking for health goes beyond the physical benefits, but the mental benefits as well. If you are looking for a body transformation and want to improve your mood and happiness, productivity, you can start doing this today. So, put on your walking shoes, join me on this health journey, and discover the power of walking for weight loss and more. 

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Today I want to talk about walking. I’ve been doing alot of it this year and the benefits are truly remarkable. Not only for our physical health but for your mental health. If you have trouble getting fit, this podcast is for you. If you struggle with mental health, this podcast is for you. If you’ve struggled for so long to maintain and healthy and fit lifestyle, then this is the podcast for you..

Day to day, year after year, with more studies  we’re increasingly seeing the benefits of this simple exercise. 

The guardian just came out with a report that says walking just 11 minutes a day could stop 10% of early deaths. That’s right, just An 11-minute brisk walk every day could prevent one in 10 premature deaths worldwide, according to the largest ever study of its kind.

Walking is a simple yet powerful form of exercise that has been embraced by countless individuals seeking to improve their fitness and overall well-being. It's a versatile activity that accommodates people of all ages, fitness levels, and lifestyles. Whether you're a beginner looking to embark on a weight loss journey or a fitness enthusiast seeking to diversify your routine, walking holds immense potential.

Not only does walking offer a fantastic opportunity to burn calories and shed unwanted weight, but it also comes with a myriad of additional advantages that positively impact both your physical and mental health.

Walking also offers a range of benefits that extend beyond weight loss. The rhythmic movement of walking has a calming effect, reducing stress levels and promoting a sense of mental well-being. And let's not forget the fresh air, nature, and the great outdoors that often accompanies your walks!

Today I want to not only explore the physical benefits of walking for weight loss but also dive into the strategies, techniques, and tips that will maximize your efforts. We'll delve into incorporating walking into your daily routine, staying motivated, overcoming challenges, and much more. You'll discover that walking is not only an effective exercise but a lifestyle that brings joy, vitality, and a renewed sense of connection with yourself and the world around you.

So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee, contemplating your fitness goals, or seeking a positive change in your life, listen on to learn about this transformative process. 

(cue music

What are benefits of walking?

When it comes to walking, the benefits are fantastic. Not only does it help with weight loss, but it also offers a host of advantages that positively impact your physical and mental well-being.

One of the key benefits of walking is its ability to support weight loss. By incorporating regular walking s    essions into your routine, you can increase calorie burn, promote fat loss, and work towards achieving your weight loss goals. It's a simple yet effective way to shed pounds and maintain a healthy body composition.

What makes walking even better is its low-impact nature. 

Unlike high-intensity workouts, walking places minimal stress on your joints, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels.

Whether you're a beginner or dealing with joint issues or injuries, walking provides a gentle and safe exercise option that you can incorporate into your daily life without worrying about excessive strain or risk of injury. Personally I get regular chin splints and have arthritis in my left knee, so walking is perfect for myself.

Walking also has a positive impact on your overall well-being and mental health. When you take a stroll, your body releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Walking outdoors, especially in natural surroundings, offers a refreshing escape from the daily pressures, allowing you to recharge and boost your mental well-being.

In addition to reducing stress, walking has been linked to an improved mood. The act of walking triggers the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with happiness and an uplifted state of mind. Regular walks can help alleviate symptoms of depression, boost self-esteem, and contribute to enhanced overall mental well-being.

Think of walking as mindfulness in motion.

-Matt Jones

Furthermore, walking enhances your overall health by improving cardiovascular fitness. It gets your heart pumping, improves blood circulation, and lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions. Walking also revs up your metabolism, helping you burn calories efficiently to maintain a healthy weight.

Lastly, walking contributes to your overall well-being by boosting energy levels, improving sleep quality, and enhancing cognitive function. It provides a natural source of vitality and helps you stay focused and productive throughout the day.

So, I highly encourage you to embrace walking as a part of your daily routine. Lace up your shoes, step outside, and let walking be your path to a healthier and happier you. The benefits are waiting for you, one step at a time.

Incorporating Walking into Daily Routine:

Incorporating walking into your daily routine is all about making it a seamless and sustainable habit that effortlessly becomes a part of your lifestyle. By integrating walking into your daily activities, you can maximize its benefits and ensure consistency.

Personally I incorporate walking in my routine everyday. I love getting up and making it my first priority.

Getting up and thinking about running sounds much harder for myself personally and it's easy for me to lose the motivation. I’m sure many of you are the same. 

To be honest i’m also a bit scared of long term issues with running. I’ve recently stumbled upon some studies that show prolonged running may also lead to "oxidative stress," a buildup of free radicals that may bind with cholesterol to create plaque in your arteries. It makes some sense that too much of a good thing may end up being bad for you. Also researchers at the University of Central Lancashire have found a correlation between runner's knee and osteoarthritis later in life. 22% of those with joint arthritis in late life can recall experiencing joint pain in their younger years. So, it seems some of the science may be against the running in the long term - but i’m not the scientist. There’s obviously alot of benefits from running - so I encourage you to seek the answers for yourself. 

So, incorporating running into your daily routine… It’s a much easier mental game to get on board with. Let’s be honest, no one really likes exercise. Sure, we know it’s good for us and we feel better afterwards, but even the most fervent athletes will tell you much of the time it feels like torture - but you just gotta do it if you want the benefits. Knowing i'm going for a leisurely stroll however and will be out in nature while listening to music or a podcast does not sound very hard - but a bit of enjoyment. My schedule at the moment allows me a bit of the freedom of time to do so - however Some of us may not have time in the morning to be too busy with family and work, so here are some other creative ideas to help you seamlessly include walking in your day-to-day life:

  • Walking Meetings: You can step out of the confines of a conference room and do walking meetings instead. You can take your discussions outside whch allows for fresh air and exercise but also stimulates creativity and provides a change of scenery that can lead to new perspectives and ideas.
  • Opt for Extra Steps: Make a conscious effort to increase your step count by taking the long route to your destination. Park your car farther away wherever you are. If you're using public transportation, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. Small adjustments like these add up and contribute to a more active lifestyle.
  • Embrace the Stairs: Whenever possible, choose the stairs over elevators or escalators. Climbing stairs is a fantastic way to engage your leg muscles and elevate your heart rate. It's a convenient way to fit in some exercise during your workday or while running errands.
  • Walking Breaks: Instead of remaining seated for extended periods, take regular walking breaks. Set reminders to prompt you to get up and move every hour. Use these breaks to take a brisk walk around the office, stretch your legs, or step outside for a breath of fresh air. These short bursts of activity not only boost your physical activity levels but also enhance focus and productivity.
  • Walk for Errands: Whenever feasible, opt to walk for errands instead of relying on motorized transportation. Whether it's a quick trip to the grocery store, post office, or coffee shop, consider the distance and make walking a part of your routine. It's a practical way to incorporate more steps into your day while accomplishing necessary tasks.

Remember, the goal is to find opportunities within your daily routine to add more walking. By making conscious choices and embracing creative ideas, you can increase your step count and overall activity levels. This not only contributes to a more active lifestyle but also enhances your overall well-being. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Motivation and Accountability in daily walking for health

Motivation and accountability are crucial factors in maintaining a consistent walking routine. To stay motivated, utilize effective strategies that align with your goals. Fitness apps can provide tracking, challenges, and rewards, keeping you engaged and accountable.

Joining walking groups or communities can foster a sense of camaraderie, support, and healthy competition. Setting personal goals, whether it's increasing daily step count or conquering new walking routes, provides a sense of purpose and achievement. Additionally, finding a walking buddy or participating in friendly competitions can enhance motivation through companionship, encouragement, and a shared sense of accomplishment.

By incorporating these strategies into your walking journey, you'll boost your motivation and stay accountable to your fitness goals.

Lastly, how long should I aim to walk for?

So, to get the best lasting effects of walking, it helps to stick to the 10,000 steps rule a day. I know it sounds a lot. It’s approximately 5 miles. It’s said Completing an extra 10,000 steps each day typically burns about 2000 to 3500 extra calories each week. One pound of body fat equals 3500 calories, so depending on your weight and workout intensity, you could lose about one pound per week simply by completing an extra 10,000 steps each day - or more if you have a killer diet. Personally I do the keto diet with fasting and walking, so I typically burn fat easier. Do this, and you the fat will burn off you. 

I put a link in the description for my fitness and eating regiment if you want more information. 

So, for those who may not be able to do 10,000 steps, just make it a goal to walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day.     on this goal. Put on your shoes, get your headphones, and get going. I don’t want anybody to get unmotivated and not do this at all. Getting outside you will quickly realise the benefits of walking, both mentally and physically. 

The typical personal has a stride length of roughly 2.1 to 2.5 feet, so that translates to approximately 2,000 steps to walk one mile - hence 100000 steps would be five miles. 

No matter what you will still be burning calories, so some is better than none. And the repetition of doing this everyday will encourage you to do a little bit more……. (talk about bursts of running).... 

Basically you use carbs when you go at harder intensities (H.I.I.T), because getting energy from a carbohydrate is a quicker process. If you’re going more intense, the energy demands are going to spike up a little bit, and your body is going to start using fat and carbs. The intense power of sprinting simply makes it more powerful, particularly when it comes to reducing abdominal fat, waist circumference, and overall weight.

But, exercise at your own pace. If you’re extremely obese, start with just walking. If you’re in the medium range though, try to do a bit more to reap the benefits. I also like to do calistenics and work my abs and upper body. 

So, besides just vanity, remember there is a host of other benefits. Walking is proven to improve mental health, increase cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness

It’s very very simple exercise, and anyone can do it. So, cut the fucking excuses if you struggle with exercise. Get outside, get walking, and transform your life today. 

SO, THATS IT FOR ME.    I hope you enjoyed this episode - please stay tuned for more and check out for free resources and products. Follow me on social media and drop any questions in the comments section. 

Lastly, I basically do this podcast for free. I really like helping and inspiring others. As we grow and gain more followers and bring in brands I hope to make it more successful, do it more long term and interview some great guests - but until then, if you got value from this episode and wish to support me - you can click the support link below to donate and further my cause to help others. You can become a monthly supporter or do a one time donation.  

So, thanks again for spending time with me. Thank you for listening. Wishing you all love, happiness, and health. 


Benefits of walking podcast introduction
What are the benefits of walking?
How to add walking to your daily routine
Daily walking for weight loss (motivation & accountability)
How long should I walk for to lose weight?